Iran is supplying SA-14 Gremlin surface-to-air missiles to Taliban terrorists in Afghanistan, who wish to launch a spectacular attack on U.S. and coalition forces in the nation that spawned the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks on the United States, The Times of London reported.
The missiles are capable of evading missile defense systems aboard American and British helicopters.
For example, Iraqi terrorists used an Iranian shoulder-mounted SA-14 to shoot down a Lynx helicopter almost three years ago near Basra, killing five British personnel.
The proliferation of missiles to Taliban terrorists demonstrates why Pentagon leaders are so concerned about Iran continuing to produce nuclear materials, which those military brass fear will be used to produce nuclear weapons. Not only would that mean Iran would wield atomic threats, igniting a nuclear arms race across the Middle East, it also would mean Iran might proliferate nuclear weapons to terrorist groups such as the Taliban and al Qaeda. Just yesterday, Adm. Michael Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said if Iran gains nuclear weapons, that would be “a very, very bad outcome.” (Please see story in this issue.)
Iran wishes to aid the Taliban to help hinder Britain and the United States from building influence in the region.
The existence of the TalibanSA-14s wasn’t known to the West until components for them were discovered recently during operations.