Intelligent video software provider Cernium Corp. has received a contract from SecureNet, Inc., to provide its ExitSentry video analytics for the Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) Exit Lane Breach Control pilot project at Dallas-Fort Worth and Seattle-Tacoma International airports. TSA awarded SecureNet a $3.8 million contract in September to be the integrator for the exit lane pilot project (TR2, Sept. 15). ExitSentry will be integrated with the automated door systems at both airports, allowing TSA to contain an incident, Craig Chambers, president and CEO of Cernium, tells TR2. Cernium already has a similar installation at Philadelphia International Airport with SimplexGrinnell as the integrator of with the automated door system with ExitSentry, he says. In addition to wrong way detection, the ExitSentry software being used at Dallas-Fort Worth and Sea-Tac has been enhanced with analytics to detect loitering and objects left behind, Chambers says. The combination of ExitSentry with an automated door system is currently being tested at TSA’s Transportation Security Integration Facility, which will last for several weeks. Then in December, the system will be dismantled and installed early next year at Dallas-Fort Worth. A second system will be constructed for Sea-Tac. While SecureNet’s contract is for 18 months, Chambers says that TSA is working quickly on this and the pilot effort could be accelerated. The installation of ExitSentry in Philadelphia was done with the airport, not with TSA. Chambers doesn’t foresee any significant challenges with either of the two forthcoming pilot projects, noting that ExitSentry, which has been installed at 45 airports in the U.S. and Canada, works well with different exit lane layouts.