Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) is seeking industry partners to develop and commercialize large dynamic range detection technology. LLNL’s large dynamic range can measure radiation at high hazardous levels and weak levels, including natural background radiation. In weak radiation fields, the detector also measures gamma ray spectra. The cost of the detector is significantly less than the total cost of existing separate detectors that could perform the same measurements. The detector can be configured for operation in a fixed location or as a mobile detector for either local or remote readout. The detector could be used in applications where radiation pagers, gamma ray spectrometers and survey meters are used. In addition, LLNL says the detectors could be used in “ubiquitous” applications such as cell phone or other common equipment. Sol. No. FBO199-09. Respond by March 27. Contact: Connie Pitcock, 925-422-1072, [email protected].