The National Security Commission on Artificial Intelligence (NSCAI) on Wednesday submitted a new round of recommendations to the president and Congress to help the U.S. government better adopt artificial intelligence (AI)-enabled technologies.

The commission on Monday approved a new set of 35 recommendations for the executive and legislative branches to consider.

“The commissioners are all of the same mind that the U.S. government has to organize, resource and train to understand and employ AI-enabled technologies,” Bob Work, vice chair of the NSCAI, said in a statement. “It will affect our economic competitiveness, it will affect our national security competitiveness, it will improve the lives of our citizens. And we want to do all those things ethically, responsible and in close partnership with private sector, academia, non-governmental organizations and international partners.”

Among the recommendations approved this week, the NSCAI suggests that the creation of a U.S. National Reserve Digital Corps to expand the government’s access to digital talent nationwide. Under the proposal, members of the reserve would work for the government at least 38 days each year.

Another workforce proposal calls for a U.S. Digital Service Academy to train future civil servants in digital skills. In return for all-paid tuition, graduates would commit to working in the federal government for five years.

The latest recommendations also call for the Defense Department, with support from the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, to establish a classified technology annex that outlines a plan for pursuing disruptive technologies to address operational challenges identified in the National Defense Strategy.