The littoral combat ship USS Indianapolis (LCS 17) sails with two T-38 Devil Ray unmanned surface vessels (USV) and an Arabian Fox MAST-13 USV, all attached to U.S. Naval Forces Central Command’s (NAVCENT) Task Force 59, during exercise Digital Talon 2 in the Arabian Gulf, Nov. 27, 2023. (Photo: U.S. Army by Sgt. Marita Schwab)
Task Force 59 (TF-59) tested live fire exercises with manned-unmanned teaming via the Freedom-class Littoral Combat Ship USS Indianapolis var AIAD_adc644209ed8d0e4efecb7575c8ec06b_66ed27abcb94e;googletag.cmd.push(function(){var AIMAP_7fa64f5e1967b0adf01dcec336c78297…