Science Applications International Corp. [SAI] has won two task orders under the EAGLE Contract with a potential value of $233 million combined to provide information technology support to U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), Office of Information Technology. Under the first task order, worth up to $183 million over five years, SAIC will continue to help USCIS modernize its service management framework to deliver a secure, integrated technology and management approach. Under the second task order, worth up to $50 million over 57-months, SAIC will continue to help the agency transition from a decentralized application environment to a service-oriented architecture environment for enterprise-wide applications and systems to improve efficiencies and services, such a user requirements analysis, business process development, testing, and systems engineering, design and development. Under a third task order worth up to $45 million, this one with Customs and Border Protection (CBP), SAIC will provide services under the tactical communication modernization program in El Paso, Texas. The CBP award was made using Recovery Act funds.