Oshkosh [OSK] plans to pitch its new Light Combat Tactical Vehicle (LCTV) to the Marine Corps during an exhibition this week as the firm looks to capitalize on the need for robust off-road mobility in the family of Mine Resistant Ambush Protected (MRAP) armored vehicles.

Oshkosh touts its LCTV as “the future of light tactical vehicle technologies” that include state of the art suspension and exportable power. The company has spent about $50 million to develop the platform, said Ken Juergens, the company’s vice president and general manager for joint programs.

“Currently it meets all of the specifics requirements that we think we need for that kind of weight-class vehicle,” Juergens said.

Oshkosh plans to display its LCTV at the three-day Modern Day Marine exhibit that begins today at Marine Corps Base Quantico, Va.

The vehicle completed the Tecate SCORE Baja 1000 off-road race in Mexico in 2010.

Oshkosh expressed interest in the LCTV based on the Army’s interest in the requirement, but said the vehicle is flexible and could be used by the Marines if the service decides it is in the market for such a platform.

“We’re not positive exactly where the Marine Corps will go but we’re ready,” said John Bryant, Oshkosh’s vice president and general manager for Marine Corps programs.