NATO and Finland signed a Political Framework Arrangement on cyber defence cooperation on Feb. 16 meant to allow both parties to improve network resilience.

This arrangement is one of several ways NATO and Finland are increasing engagement. NATO highlighted this is also the latest example of a longer-term engagement with Finland on cyber defense activities like how Finland participates in the alliance’s Cyber Coalition annual cyber defense exercise and the NATO Crisis Management Exericse.

“We look forward to enhancing our situational awareness and exchanging best practices with Finland, including through dedicated points of contact for rapid information exchange on early warning information and lessons learned,” Ambassador Sorin Ducaru, NATO Assistant Secretary General for Emerging Security Challenges, said in a statement.

“This arrangement is a good example of the cooperation between NATO and Finland – it is practical, substantial and at the same time mutually beneficial. Finland sees many opportunities of enhanced cooperation for example in conducting training and exercises in the cyber domain,” Jukka Juusti, Permanent Secretary of the Ministry of Defence of Finland, added.