From warfighting missions to education, Afghan students are to benefit from 24 computers successfully delivered by a NATO agency to support the Aladdin’s Lamp program–peace through education.

The NATO Consultation, Command and Control Agency (NC3A) is responsible for delivering cutting-edge technology in support of NATO’s missions and decision-makers. The delivery of computers, which had been taken out of operational usage, has been split in two.

The first one go to schools of SOZO International (for street kids and socially deprived kids) in Kabul, and the second one to the Dasht e Padola Boarding School at the southern edge of Kabul for Pashtun boys from war-torn provinces of Southern Afghanistan.

The computers are needed to support the education of the next generation, the agency said in a statement. They will be connected to an internet access hot spot, provided by the UnityNet program of the United States.