The House on March 7 approved the NASA Transition bill of 2017, which cleared the Senate in February, according to a House Science, Space and Technology (SST) Committee statement.
The bill authorizes the House’s proposed funding level of $19.5 billion for FY ’17. Of that top line, the bill authorizes $4.3 billion for exploration; $5 billion for space operations; $5.5 billion for science; $640 million for aeronautics; $686 million for space technology; $115 million for education; $2.8 billion for safety, security and mission services; $388 million for construction and environmental compliance and restoration and $37 million for inspector general (IG).
The bill is the first NASA authorization legislation to pass both chambers since the 2010 NASA Authorization Act. House SST Ranking Member Eddie Johnson said in a statement the 2017 NASA transition bill is a one-year reauthorization.
It is not known whether President Donald Trump plans to sign the bill into law. His office was unable to return a request for comment March 8.