The State Department approved a possible $115 million Foreign Military Sales (FMS) request to Jordan for repair and return of F-16 engines, sustainment and support.

The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress of the potential sale on Feb. 25.

The possible FMS is to amend Jordan’s F-16 engine program for repair and return of its F100-PW-220E engine modules. This is in support of the Royal Jordanian Air Force’s ongoing scheduled maintenance activities for its 52 F100-PW-220E engines. Services requested in the proposed sale include contract support for parts, components, accessories, and labor to remanufacture the current propulsion fleet at scheduled maintenance intervals. The sale has no associated major defense equipment (MDE).

The prime contractor is Pratt and Whitney, a division of United Technologies Corp. [UTX].

The sustainment program would maintain Jordan’s fight aircraft capabilities and support its national defense, DSCA said.