The Virtual Analyst will be taking a break from Dec. 25 through Jan. 2, and we wish the best to you and yours during this holiday season.
When we get back, we’ll provide a full breakdown of how the recently passed National Defense Authorization Act will affect every program we cover. We’ll do the same when the appropriations bill is finalized, which lawmakers are hoping to do quickly now with the passage of the NDAA.
In addition, you can expect the following regular features:
- Weekly Roundup — On Mondays, we break down which programs made the biggest news over the past week.
- Monthly Ups and Downs — This report will examine all programs and discuss which of them are trending up and which of them aren’t on the domestic and international market.
- Program in Focus — We take a look at one program each week and examine what its future prospects and challenges are.
- The Week Ahead — We’ll let you know what to expect this week: important hearings, major decisions on defense acquisition programs, and much more.
- Special Reports — We’ll publish special reports whenever an important document requires deeper analysis or when a major budget action takes place.
That’s just a short list of what you can expect from Virtual Analyst in the coming year. Until then, happy holidays!