DHS S&T Develops Portable Outdoor Shot Detection Technology
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate along with Shooter Detection Systems
have developed SDS Outdoor, a portable gunshot detection system for law enforcement. “Many new U.S. gunshot detection technologies are not easily deployed in the field or at temporary locations,” says Dr. Dimitri Kusnezov, undersecretary for science and technology. “This new system can be moved by one or two officers without the need for technicians to transport and set up. This mobile capability will help responders approach gun violence incidents with greater awareness, reducing response times and increasing responder safety.” Prototype testing of SDS Outdoor began in Jan. 2022 and a real-time demonstration was conducted last May before being tested by S&T’s National Urban Security Technology Laboratory and the First Responder Technology Program team in an operational field assessment at Fort Dix, N.J., in November. The system has now been transitioned to SDS for commercialization.