The Department of Homeland Security’s Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate has issued a Request for Information for suggestions for technical review workshops in the area of novel analytical technologies for the detection of chemical warfare agents (CWAs) and toxic industrial chemicals (TICs). The first workshop will be focused on the topic of a “Detect to Warn” system for the detection and early warning of chemical and biological releases inside office buildings and transportation facilities. The second workshop will be focused on the topic of a “Detect to Warn” system for the detection and early warning of chemical and biological releases in outside environments, including maritime. The third workshop will be focused on handheld or smaller detectors utilizing a novel analytical hybridized approach for the detection of CWAs and TICs. Sol. No. RFI051909DHSST. Respond by June 9. Contact: Angela Ervin, program manager, [email protected].