Embraer S.A., a Publicly-Held Company, Announces Material Fact
PR Newswire
SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, Dec. 20, 2018
SÃO JOSÉ DOS CAMPOS, Brazil, Dec. 20, 2018 /PRNewswire/ — Embraer S.A. (“Embraer” or the “Company“), hereby informs its shareholders and the market that, on the date hereof, the Company became aware of a court decision issued on December 19, 2018 on a preliminary basis in the proceeding relating to the Public Civil Action no. 5031433-18.2018.4.03.6100, which was filed before the 24th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo against the Company, the Federal Government of Brazil, Boeing Brasil Serviços Técnicos Aeronáuticos Ltda. and the Brazilian Securities and Exchange Commission.
According to the aforementioned decision, the judge of the 24th Federal Civil Court of São Paulo granted a provisional measure to suspend “any action to consummate the transaction of the transfer of the commercial portion of Embraer” until the parties have had the chance to respond, at which time the Court, through the examination of the content of the responses, shall be able to better assess the case.
The Company will take all applicable judicial measures to revert this decision and will keep its shareholders and the market informed on any material developments related to the Public Civil Action.
Nelson Krahenbuhl Salgado
Vice-President and Investors Relations Officer
View original content:http://www.prnewswire.com/news-releases/embraer-sa-a-publicly-held-company-announces-material-fact-300769929.html
SOURCE Embraer S.A.