Parsons was awarded a competitively bid task order by the Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) for the second increment of the Lebanon Border Security Project, the company said Feb. 2.

This award builds on the company’s current Increment I project to improve the Lebanese Armed Forces with capabilities to deter, detect, and interdict weapons of mass destruction and related materials on the country’s over 200 mile border with Syria. Increment I was awarded in November 2015.

Increment II focuses on border surveillance for land border regiments; delivering new equipment; network integration of border-security surveillance equipment; equipment-related training; and concept-of-operations-related training to enhance capabilities in command and control, communications, surveillance, and detection as well as interdiction of weapons of mass destruction.

The company is set to also help Lebanon’s Armed Forces sustain and build upon the new capabilities for the long term.

The task order was awarded under DRTA’s Cooperative Threat Reduction Integrating Contract II (CTRIC II). Parsons highlighted it has successfully implemented projects under DTRA for two decades including in Russia, Armenia, Georgia, Jordan, Libya, Ukraine, Lebanon, and off the coast of Syria.

A Parsons spokeswomen told sister publication Defense Daily via email that the company has also performed Border Security projects in Armenia, Jordan, and Georgia under the DTRA CTRIC II program. The spokeswoman also said the contract does not allow Parsons to disclose any teammates on Increment II.

“This important task order directly contributes to making the world a safer place. We are excited to continue supporting DTRA in its mission to reduce the threat posed by weapons of mass destruction,” Carey Smith, Parsons Group President, said in a statement.