SEWP Solutions LLC, Fairfax, Virginia, was awarded a $14,997,030 firm-fixed-price contract for Project Salus research, development, test and evaluation services to integrate Artificial Intelligence capabilities into the Medical Common Operating Picture (MedCOP) platform. The Joint Artificial Intelligence Center initiated Project Salus in March 2020 to deliver a command and control platform to aid the Department of Defense and combatant commands in their response to the Covid-19 pandemic. Project Salus leverages open-source, commercial, and government-owned data sources to develop real-time and predictive models. This effort is a follow on to Project Salus and will provide decision support within a mission command environment at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels to support the medical community of interest and will support peripheral requirements such as Covid-19 pandemic response and future pandemics, operational medicine, and global health surveillance efforts strategic, operational, and tactical levels to support the medical community of interest. Project Salus will also support peripheral requirements such as Covid-19 pandemic response and future pandemics, operational medicine, and global health surveillance efforts. This is a one year contract. This contract was a sole source acquisition, and fiscal 2021 research, development, test and evaluation funds in the amount of $14,997,030 are being obligated at time of award. The Defense Health Agency, Enterprise Medical Services Contract Division, San Antonio, Texas, is the contracting activity (HT001521F0237).