Eccalon LLC, Hanover, Maryland, is awarded a five-year task order (P00025) valued at $7,609,121 on a firm-fixed-price contract (HQ003418F0572) to provide support to the Office of Manufacturing and Industrial Base Policy’s National Security Technology Accelerator Program. Fiscal 2023 operations and maintenance funds in the amount of $7,609,121 are being obligated at the time of award. The cumulative total of the contract is $72,396,019. The total value of the contract if all options are exercised is $77,813,151. The contractor will develop the National Security Innovation Network’s (NSIN) online social platform, design hackathon events, implement quarterly showcase events, support innovators in residence at labs and academic institutions, standup and employ an Adaptive Threat Force course, and design and develop platforms and tools for Department of Defense (DOD) market networks, among other services. NSIN focuses on delivery education, collaboration, and acceleration programs, which bring together people from DOD, the venture community and academia to generate new ideas, nurture talent and find novel applications of technology to support the warfighter. The work will be performed at the Mark Center, Alexandria, Virginia. The estimated contract completion date is Sept. 27, 2023. Washington Headquarters Services, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity.