TSA Plans to Continue SESI Follow-on Contract through Three Awards

The Transportation Security Administration in May plans to release a draft Request for Proposal (RFP) for a follow-on to its Security Equipment Systems Integration (SESI) contract and award three single indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contracts by geographical regions, East, Central and West. The draft RFP will reference Transportation Security Deployment Services, which replaces the SESI name. Boeing [BA], Lockheed Martin

[LMT], and Science Applications International Corp. [SAIC] currently provide SESI services to TSA (HSR, Aug. 3, 2011). Sol. No. TSSA25-04-02245. Contact: Kurt Allen, contracting officer, [email protected], 571-227-4128.

DHS Plans Industry Day for Asset Buyback Program

The Department of Homeland Security will hold an Industry Day on May 1 at the General Services Administration in Washington, DC, to help determine the feasibility of an asset buyback program at DHS headquarters for equipment designated as scrap products. The department’s Office of the Chief Information Officer wants to establish the program to recycle scrap and salvage information technology equipment, such as desktops, laptops, printers and other assets. The program would allow it to receive product credits to apply against future hardware purchases, made possible through the exchange/sale authority set by GSA. Sol. No. 05012014. Respond by April 24. Contact: Janeen Guest, contracting officer, [email protected].

Army Issues RFI for Advanced Cyber Defense

The Army Assistant Secretary for Acquisition Logistics and Technology System of Systems Integration Planning Directorate has issued a Request for Information (RFI) related to the development of one or more brigade-wide networked systems solutions to conduct cyber threat defense. The Army says its tactical network at Brigade and below is subject to a broad variety of internal and external threats and is seeking to deploy a tool or suite of tools at Brigade and subordinate wired/wireless network nodes and information systems to discover previously unknown threats that are not detected by more routine defensive means, characterize them, and then defeat them rapidly by responding to, mitigating, and overcoming the threat. Sol. No. SOSIRIF041114ACD. Respond by May 9. Contact: Tyron Williams, [email protected], 586-282-9820.

DHS S&T Issues Solicitation for SBIR

The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) Directorate has issued a solicitation for its Small Business Innovation Research (SBIR) program in FY ’14. The research topics for the FY14.2 program are: Decontamination technologies for biological agents; Automatic detection and patching of vulnerabilities in embedded systems; development of cost-effective iterative reconstruction computing platforms for computed tomography-based explosive detection equipment; Radiant laser exposure monitoring for nominal hazard zone evaluation; Status indicator for downed power lines; Field detection and analysis for fire gases and particulates. Sol. No. HSHQDC-14-R-00035. Respond by May 21. Contact: Mandy Wylie, contracting officer, [email protected], 202-254-7230.

DARPA Issues BAA for Laser UV Sources for Tactical Efficient Raman

The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARP) has issued a Broad Agency Announcement (BAA) for innovative research proposals in the field of ultra violet laser technology that will enable enhanced detection and discrimination of specific biological and chemical compounds using Raman spectroscopy. Various methods such as direct electrical injection, electron beam pumping, second harmonic generation or other alternatives will be considered as long as all of the metrics can be met or exceeded. Sol. No. DARPA-BAA-14-20. Respond by June 25. Contact: Daniel Green, [email protected].

TSA Issues RFI for EDS ILS Services

The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) has issued a Request for Information (RFI) related to its requirement for Integrated Logistics Support (ILS) services of Explosive Detection Systems (EDS). The agency wants to improve its understanding of market capabilities, identify qualified vendors, and accept ideas on how to efficiently and effectively fulfill this requirement. Sol. No. HSTS04-14-I-STAD02. Respond by May 5. Contact: Jaylin Wilson, contracting officer, [email protected].