DHS Looks to Update Information Sharing Portal with Cloud Technologies
The Department of Homeland Security has issued a Request for Information to conduct a platform replacement for its Homeland Security Information Network (HSIN), which is the department’s information and communications technology-based platform for information sharing with all homeland security partners. DHS says the current HSIN is complex, costly and not optimized for cloud-based and mobile features. Under the DHS HSIN Phoenix: Platform Replacement Project, the department plans a modern, comprehensive information sharing platform using cloud-based technologies to increase speed, mobility and access to unclassified information by federal, state, local, territorial, tribal, international and private-sector partners. Notice ID: RFI_HSIN_Phoenix. Respond by April 25. Contact: Stacey Macmillan, [email protected]
, 202-816-2945.
TSA Seeks Information on Universal Image Training Simulator
The Transportation Security Administration Training and Development Division has issued a Request for Information to identify solutions for a universal image training simulator solution for training and testing. TSA says the current Advanced Technology Simulator and Explosives Detection Systems Universal Simulator program do not support newly acquired checkpoint computed tomography (CT) systems. The current simulators are used by Transportation Security Officers to train to identify threats in carry-on and checked bags. The sought-after solution will be capable of emulating multiple and varied X-Ray/AT/CT machines, current and future models of each technology, existing and emerging threats, and have the capability to tailor training to a specific TSO based on the officer’s previous scores and skill level. Notice ID: 70T01022I7670N001. Respond by May 8. Contact: Patricia Klimowicz, [email protected].
ICE Seeks Information on Soft Body Armor Kits
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued a Request for Information to gain knowledge of vendors that can produce and deliver up to 500 sets of Level III-approved soft body armor kits a month to support the agency’s Office of Firearms and Tactical Programs. The kits will support law enforcement agents in the field and ongoing training classes. The upcoming contract will be for five years. Interested vendors should provide a capabilities statement by April 22 to Tony Ross, [email protected].
CBP Surveys Market for Precision Weapon Platform
Customs and Border Protection is conducting market research for options to meet a newly identified capability gap within the U.S. Border Patrol Special Operations Group, Border Patrol Tactical (BORTAC) Unit for a Precision Weapon Platform (PWP). BORTAC conducts operations in a wide variety of environments, with diverse terrain and varied climates, and therefor seeks a PWP that is adaptable to these different mission sets. The ability to change calibers and barrel lengths, and the end user level, will provide the precision marksman observer the ability to adapt the platform from urban environments—vehicle hides, urban hides, etc.—to rural environments where longer range engagements are required. Notice ID: 04082022. Respond by May 9. Contact: Connie McKay, [email protected].
TSA Seeks Cybersecurity Support Services
The Transportation Security Administration Information Technology Climatic Assurance and Cybersecurity Division Computer Network Defense branch has issued a Sources Sought Notice for delivery of IT cybersecurity operations and engineering support services to protect and maintain the availability, integrity and confidentiality of the IT security and computer operations services utilizing the agency’s Security Operations Center. The support will help TSA provide centralized security monitoring, analysis, alerting and reporting of Federal Information Security Modernization systems and boundaries, refine implement and provide recommended changes to the division’s incident response program, conduct ongoing discovery and evaluation of the agency’s asset security posture, and more. Notice ID: SSN_04052022_TSA_CND. Respond by April 18. Contact: Marlene Kratz, [email protected], 571-227-1580.
DHS CWMD Office Plans Industry Day for Directed Testing Program
The Department of Homeland Security Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office has issued a Request for Information for a directed testing program to assess handheld or human-portable technologies chemical detection and identification technologies against chemical warfare agents, non-traditional agents, toxic industrial chemicals, toxic industrial materials, pharmaceuticals, explosives and their precursors. The three-phased testing program of increasing complexity is Jacana-I, Jacana-II and Jacana-III. The CWMD Office wants information on commercial off-the-shelf, government-off-the-shelf and prototype systems. CWMD Office will host a Directed Testing Program Industry Day on June 7 at the Johns Hopkins Univ. Applied Physics Laboratory. To register for the event, visit: https://forms.office.com/g/rzK7PyTit. Notice ID: 70RWMD22RFI00000001. Respond by April 22. Jennifer D’Addio, [email protected]