TSA to Host Acquisition Planning Forecast System Briefing with Industry
The Transportation Security Administration on Jan. 25 will host a first quarter Acquisition Planning Forecast System (APFS) conference call with industry to discuss contracting and procurement on future contract requirements listed in the APFS. The call will be focused on providing industry with forecasted opportunities for the agency’s top North American Industry Classification System codes and latest procurement opportunities from APFS. To join: https://tsameetings.webex.com/tsameetings/j.php?MTID=mafd5278946a45169423e696730702467
; meeting number: 2760 926 5405; password mJeWPHJf298. Phone: 415-527-5035. Contact: Robert Boone, director, OSDBU, [email protected], 202-557-1045.
CISA Chief Information Officer to Host Virtual Industry Day
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, Office of the Chief Information Officer will host a virtual industry day on Jan. 26 from 10 a.m. until 12:30 p.m. EST. The event will the first in a series that CISA plans to host in fiscal year 2022 to discuss cybersecurity capabilities, challenges, technologies and future business opportunities. Topics for the first industry day include engineering, information assurance, information technology operations, records management and governance, foundational work for FY ’23 to FY ’25, and focus areas for FY ’22. Register by Jan. 18 at CVENT Link: https://cvent.me/DXOyAN. Contact: [email protected].
DHS S&T Plans Chem-Bio Defense Testbed in NYC Subway System
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate’s Chemical and Biological Defense Testbed program is in a partnership with the Metropolitan Transportation Authority to construct an enduring testbed in the New York City subway system to test and evaluate chemical and biological agent detection technologies and agent release mitigation strategies. The testbed will also collect realistic performance, operations and maintenance cost data in the subway environment, evaluate technologies and response strategies to mitigate the spread of contamination by aerosolized threats and assess overall effectiveness, and enable realistic training exercises with local stakeholder agencies. The Request for Information seeks to identify technologies to integrate into the testbed, which will be managed for S&T by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology Lincoln Laboratory. Respond by Feb. 24. Contact: [email protected].
CBP Issues RFI for Body-Worn Cameras
Customs and Border Protection has issued a Request for Information on the current status of industry capabilities in the area of body-worn cameras, vehicle-mounted cameras, digital evidence management software licenses, cloud storage, and additional technologies to support various Department of Homeland Security components. Respond by Jan. 31. Contact: Kimberly Ware, [email protected].
CBP Seeks Information on Cargo Systems Application Support
Customs and Border Protection has issued a Request for Information for cargo systems application development, operations and support. CBP says its Cargo Systems Program Directorate must continue to provide functionality to its Automated Commercial Environment (ACE), which supports day-to-day trade activities. In addition to developing software, the system architecture must be maintained and new architecture developed to support the expanding ACE environment. Notice ID: HSBP21R00001. Respond by Feb. 4. Contact: Monica Watts, [email protected], 571-363-7066.