Army Issues RFI for RIIDs Used in Man-Portable Radiation Detection Systems
The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense has issued a Request for Information for handheld high resolution Radioisotope Identifier Devices (RIID) used in Man-portable Radiation Detection Systems (MRDS). The JPEO-CBD and the Defense Threat Reduction Agency will test the RIIDs from about July to November at no cost to respondents. Respondents will receive test results for their systems. The primary focus of the MRDS program is the detection and confirmatory identification of special nuclear material and threat radiological materials. Planned testing of the systems will use unshielded radioactive test sources. Only mature commercially available systems are sought for the testing. Sol. No. W911SR-17-MRDS-2a. Respond by May 30. Contact: Adam Sheir, [email protected], 410-436-3550.
CBP Conducting Market Survey for Upgrade of IR Cameras and Pan/Tilt Assemblies
The Federal Aviation Administration on behalf of Customs and Border Protection is conducting a market survey related to the procurement of spare infrared cameras and pan/tilt assemblies for the Remote Video Surveillance Systems (RVSS). A spokesman for CBP says the agency seeks to maintain a more robust spares pool. The FAA says it plans to solicit and negotiate with General Dynamics Global Imaging Technology on a single-source basis for the purchase of the equipment. The requirement is for seven thermal imaging systems, 11 thermal imaging cameras, and four pan/tilt assemblies. Sol. No. 27116. Respond by April 26. Contact: Robert LaFollette, [email protected], 405-954-7384.
TSA Issues RFI for Identity Verification Services
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Office of Information and Analysis has issued a Request for Information regarding identity verification services capabilities for the agency’s programs and initiatives. These capabilities would assist TSA in verifying the identity of individuals attempting to gain access to an airport sterile area or are attempting to board an aircraft through a TSA screening checkpoint when that individual does not present acceptable forms of identification. The capabilities could support biographic and biometric data collection, quick identification, and possible collection of fees. Sol. No. HSTS02-17-I-OIA999. Respond by May 30. Contact: Jakya Brooks, contract specialist, [email protected].
JPEO-CBD Sees Enhanced Maritime Biological Detection Identifier
The Joint Program Executive Office for Chemical and Biological Defense is conducting a market survey to identify potential industry sources capable of manufacturing fully automated biological warfare agent identifiers using Raman spectroscopy. The Enhanced Maritime Biological Detection (EMBD) program will be an automated sensor to rapidly detect, collect, identify and sample airborne biological warfare agents assessed to pose a threat to the U.S. Navy. The EMBD will be a product improvement to the legacy Joint Biological Point Detection System already installed on Navy ships. Sol. No. W911SR-17-EMBD-Identifier-541512. Respond by May 19. Contact: Lenore Paseda, contract specialist, [email protected], 410-436-4399.