Thermo Fisher Scientific [TMO] has received a $6.2 million contract from the Transportation Security Administration to handheld chemical identifier units. The funding was provided with Recovery Act monies. The award was made to Ahura Scientific, which has been purchased by Thermo and now operates as the Portable Optical Analysis business unit. Thermo declined to discuss specifics of the award.

The Government Accountability Office (GAO) sustained a protest filed by OSI Systems [OSIS] Rapiscan Systems division related to a Department of State award to Science Applications International Corp. [SAI] for gamma ray vehicle and cargo inspection systems. The award was originally won by Rapiscan, which was successfully protested by SAIC, who in turn received the contract from the State Dept. GAO upheld the Rapiscan protest because SAIC’s Federal Supply Schedule contract didn’t include all required items. GAO says that if there isn’t another vendor in line to receive the award then the State Dept. should re-solicit its requirements.

Smiths Detection has received an $8.7 million order from Customs and Border Protection for five high-energy gantry systems. The contract uses Recovery Act funds and was awarded under the agency’s Large Scale Non-Intrusive Inspection indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract.