House Armed Services Committee (HASC) member and space guru Jim Bridenstine (R-Okla.) would be interested in serving as either Air Force secretary or NASA administrator in the Donald Trump administration should he be asked, a source close to the congressman told sister publication Defense Daily Nov. 10.
The source said Bridenstine has not had direct discussions with the Trump transition team but has had conversations with people from the Trump campaign. Bridenstine has not been formally asked of his interest in either position.
While Bridenstine is interested in either position, the source said since his heart is in the national security realm, he would prefer the Air Force secretary position. Bridenstine is a former Navy pilot who services on the HASC sea power and projection forces and strategic forces subcommittees. He also chairs the House Science, Space and Technology (SST) environment subcommittee. Bridenstine is known as a driver of space issues on Capitol Hill and earlier in 2016 released his well-received American Space Renaissance bill, intended to serve as piecemeal additions to legislation affecting space issues.
Bridenstine ran unopposed on Nov. 8 for the second consecutive election. He was first elected in 2012, representing Oklahoma’s first congressional district that includes much of metropolitan Tulsa. Bridenstine made a commitment before his 2012 election that he would only serve three terms and the source said Nov. 10 he intends on sticking to this commitment.