Australia’s Defence department has signed an industry contract to provide high level and high speed internet services to industry, government, service personnel, employees and the public.
The contract, signed with Verizon Business, is worth approximately $54.5 million and will involve replacing Defence’s existing single internet gateway with parallel managed services providing a five-fold increase in capacity.
These gateways will be housed in separate locations further strengthening the system’s reliability, eliminating the risks associated with a single gateway.
As Defence’s demand for internet services continues to grow, it is prudent that Defence pursues an upgrade of its existing equipment in order to maximise the department’s effectiveness.
This upgrade will further improve Defence’s ability to ensure delivery of internet services (web, email and eBusiness services) to users within Defence and to external parties including other government agencies, industry partners and the general public.
This capability will also form the basis for the provision of Internet Gateway services to eight other Commonwealth agencies as part of Defence’s role as a lead agency under the Department of Finance and Deregulation’s Internet Gateway Reduction Program.
Defence will make savings by closing its current single internet gateway and an additional amount through the reduced power consumption and equipment decommissioning.