The Army yesterday said it was reorganizing Army Contracting Command-National Capital Region, by moving six military and 260 civilian positions from Alexandria, Va., to eight other subordinate organizations.

The Contracting Center restructuring is expected to support better utilization of existing resources, eliminate duplication, and improve customer support.

Force structure changes will come at Rock Island, Ill., Detroit Arsenal, Mich.; Aberdeen Proving Ground, Md; Redstone Arsenal, Ala.; Fort Belvoir, Va.; Fort Knox, Ky; Joint Base Maguire-Dix-Lakehurst, N.J.; and Joint Base San Antonio, Texas.

Civilian jobs are dispersed among all the subordinate organizations, though no military positions are authorized for Fort Knox, Fort Belvoir or Joint Base San Antonio.

The changes become effective Feb. 16.

Army Contracting Command is to provide global quality contracting support to war fighters through the full spectrum of military operations.