VIASPACE [VSPC] says that its subsidiary Ionfinity has demonstrated a new detection and analysis system for identifying hazardous chemicals, explosives, industrial toxic gases, drugs and chemical components of improvised explosive devices. The demonstrations were part of two phase II small business technology contracts the company has with the Army and Navy. “Ionfinity teamed with NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Imaginative Technologies, LLC, and Sionex Corp., and successfully demonstrated a Differential Mobility Spectrometer-based technology designed to detect and analyze hazardous chemicals, explosives, toxic gases and illegal drugs for U.S. Army and Navy applications as part of two Phase II STTR programs they are sponsoring,” says James Weiss, Ionfinity’s chairman and principal investigator. Ionfinity says the chemical sensor system includes a Differential Mobility Spectrometer, a non-radioactive ionization method that doesn’t fragment or multiply-ionize sampled specimens, and a micro-gas chromatograph for confirmation and enhanced detection capability.