TransDigm [TDG] said it has agreed to acquire a business of General Electric’s [GE] Aviation division that supplies motion control subsystems for civil and military aircraft.

TransDigm said it would pay $150 million in cash for GE Aviation’s Electromechanical Actuation Division, giving it a proprietary business with significant aftermarket content. The GE business has about $80 million in sales, evenly split between commercial and military. TransDigm said about 40 percent of sales are from the aftermarket.

Once the deal closes, which is expected by the end of the third quarter, the business will be renamed Whippany Actuation Systems. Whippany’s products include control electronics, motors, high power mechanical transmissions and actuators.

Whippany’s products are on the Airbus 380, Boeing [BA] 737NG and 777 aircraft, Embraer regional jets, Northrop Grumman’s [NOC] Global Hawk unmanned aircraft system, United Technologies’ [UTX] SH-60 and S-92 helicopters, and Boeing’s CH-47 helicopter.