The Armored Group LLC (TAG) and Pi Innovo LLC said they have jointly developed a new active ride control system for use on armored government, commercial and civilian vehicles to include Armored Non Standard Commercial Vehicles (ANSCV).

The TAG/Pi Innovo Active Ride Control System (ARCS) replaces standard passive shock absorbers with an automatically controlled active damping system, which improves vehicle stability and ride comfort over a wide range of terrains and vehicle speeds, the companies said. Much of the standard vehicle suspension system is retained, providing optimized ride comfort and range of operation.

Unlike traditional passive suspensions, the ARCS package provides excellent ride control under both high and low-speed conditions, the firms said in a statement. Rough or loose surface conditions don’t change handling characteristics, which improves vehicle safety under normal and emergency driving conditions.

The ARCS package consists of an Electronic Control Unit (ECU), electronically-controlled dampers, accelerometers, and the associated wiring harness to connect with the vehicle for power and CAN bus communications. The dampers used in the system are commercially-available parts and meet all appropriate durability requirements for passenger vehicles.

An armored Chevrolet Suburban demonstrator vehicle is available for ride and handling evaluations and has been used and evaluated for several months by organizations providing driver training to military and civilian organizations, resulting in positive feedback on the ARCS system.

For example, Luke Hayward, CEO of Kinetic Options LLC, and a former Army Special Forces soldier, provided driver training for active Special Forces operators. “During driver training maneuvers, many operators commented that the armored Suburban from The Armored Group was the best handling armored vehicle they had ever driven.”

Kurt Delia, president of Delia Tactical International, and former SWAT Team leader, also conducted driver training using The Armor Group’s Suburban with Pi Innovo’s suspension system. “I was extremely impressed with the quality and performance of the vehicle. The suspension system is second to none and far exceeded our driving instructor’s expectations.”

The Armored Group President Robert Pazderka said: “The TAG/Pi Innovo ARCS package enables us to offer our customers the level of safety and protection they expect from a TAG vehicle, along with the exceptional ride quality and handling available from standard passenger vehicles. It enhances passenger comfort, reduces the workload on the driver and provides an overall level of refinement and safety not previously available on armored vehicles. We feel the advantages of the ARCS package increase TAG’s competitive advantage in the armored vehicle market.”

Walter Lucking, owner and CEO of Pi Innovo LLC, added, “Working with a well-established and respected partner like The Armored Group provides us with an opportunity to showcase our expertise in the development of electronics systems and helps provide a competitive advantage in the arena of commercial armored passenger vehicles.” 

TAG has provided customized engineering, design and building solutions to clients such as the Army, Air Force, U.S. and foreign governments, the Defense and State Departments, and United Nations. Client companies include Lockheed Martin [LMT], KBR [KBR], DynCorp and Brinks [BCO].