The Defense Security Cooperation Agency (DSCA) notified Congress Sept. 26 Thailand has requested through Foreign Military Sales (FMS) nine UH-72A Lakota Helicopters worth $89 million and associated equipment, parts, training and logistical support.
If approved by Congress, the principal contractor would be EADS North America.
Photo: Airbus Group
In addition to the nine helicopters, the proposed deal includes warranty, spare and repair parts, support equipment, communication equipment, publications and technical documentation. The sale also would include an Aviation Mission Planning Station, personnel training and training equipment, U.S. government and contractor technical and logistics support services, and other logistics elements.
This potential sale will contribute to Thailand’s goal of upgrading and modernizing its military forces with a new light utility helicopter capable of meeting requirements for rotary-wing transportation. The sale also would further enhance interoperability between Thailand the United States, and among other allies.