TaaSERA, a provider of real-time detection and threat analysis cyber security solutions, recently announced its entry as a company in the cyber security space, and introduced its first product, a malware behavior detection and analysis solution.
TaaSERA, which was founded on the concept of trust-as-a-service, is based in California and is led by Scott Hartz, the former CEO of PwC Consulting. Tom Ridge, the first Secretary of Homeland Security, is a member of the company’s board.
TAAS NetAnalyzer, the company’s first product, is a real-time malware behavior detection and analysis solution that identifies previously unseen attacks as they occur, thereby allowing organizations to act before attacks result in a breach, according to TaaSERA.
The company said it is first solving the problem of advanced or zero-day malware, but will also use behavior modeling to stop cyber criminal hacking and identify insider threats before they can steal company information.
“Today’s attackers employ multiple attack vectors to penetrate high-value targets with malware to gain a long-term foothold to steal confidential information and intellectual property over months or years,” Hartz said in a statement. “Enterprises need solutions to continuously monitor such behaviors, not code ‘signatures,’ in order to stop advanced and highly targeted attacks. We’re very excited to bring TAAS NetAnalyzer to market because behavior-based detection and analysis will finally allow enterprises to adopt a proactive and risk-based mindset to cyber security.”
Some of TaaSERA’s technology is licensed source-code from SRI International.
TaaSERA’s management team includes Srinivas Kumar, chief technology officer, who was founder of Taasware, which was acquired by TaaSERA in March 2012, Kurt Buseck as chief financial officer, Javier Ortiz, vice president of Strategy and a former executive at PwC, David Nevin, vice president of Corporate Development, and Ivan Shefin, vice president for Business Development.