Navistar Defense LLC, a key supplier to the Afghan National Army (ANA) and Afghan National Police (ANP), has received a $23 million urgent delivery order from the U.S. Army TACOM Lifecycle Management Command to retrofit 205 armored cabs onto Navistar Medium Tactical Vehicles (MTV) currently designated for service with the Afghan National Security Forces.

The award involves replacing the current commercial cab with a specially designed armored cab. This will provide savings by re-using the original components of the MTV to protect the ANA and ANP from ballistic and blast threats in the theater of operations.

The order also includes enhancing additional vehicle elements for improved survivability to provide Afghan National Security Forces with the capability to conduct route clearance missions with mine roller applications.

“This order reflects Navistar’s strong partnership with the U.S. Department of Defense in providing high quality vehicles on very aggressive schedules in support of protecting the soldier on the ground,” said Archie Massicotte, president, Navistar Defense. “We are proud to continue to support the vehicle fleet that we have provided to the Afghan National Security Forces and deliver on our commitments to the U.S. military and allies on this very important project and program.”

The flexible Navistar MTV is a platform already in service in Afghanistan in a variety of key missions including general troop transport, water tankers, fuel trucks, recovery vehicles and cargo trucks.

Since 2004, Navistar has provided nearly 9,000 MTVs to the ANA and ANP. There are another 14,000 Navistar MTVs in service with military units around the world. 

The vehicles will be upgraded at the Navistar Defense facility in West Point, Miss. Deliveries are scheduled to begin in April and slated to be completed in July.