MD Helicopters Inc. (MDHI), this week said it has been awarded a $186 million Army contract for its Rotary Wing Primary Training Aircraft (RWPTA) to be used in Shindand, Afghanistan.
The initial award calls for six MD 530F Helicopters for training purposes and could reach as many as fifty four (54) aircraft over the life of the four-year contract.
The Army contract W58RGZ-11-C-0070, Non-Standard Rotary Wing Aircraft (NSRWA) as awarded to MD Helicopters includes all critical spares provisioning.
“This is a great day for MD and for me,” said Lynn Tilton, chairman and CEO of MD Helicopters. “We feel privileged by the opportunity to support the U.S. Army and deeply honored by the significance of the award.”
In his March 10 letter of award, contracting officer William Epps wrote, “MD Helicopter’s proposal was determined to present the offer that represented the lowest price and technically acceptable proposal to the government and thus was selected for award.”
The MD 530F is a perfect fit for this training mission, the company said in a statement. Equipped with the 650 shp Rolls- Royce 250-C30 engine and longer main-rotor blades, the MD 530F is the company’s finest high-altitude, hot-day performer.
When compared to the MD 500E, the 530F’s tail boom is extended eight inches, and the tail rotor blades are also lengthened to provide increased thrust and directional control at high altitudes.
The MD 530F increases the operational capabilities over the MD 500E as well, enabling greater mission versatility and performance. This helicopter has greater take-off power at significantly higher hover ceiling levels than its competitors, with in-ground-effect hover capability of 16,000 feet ISA. The MD 530F is known for its speed, agility, low direct operating costs and the ability to operate with ease in confined spaces. n