MBDA yesterday said it has signed the first contract with an export customer for the acquisition of its naval air defense system SIMBAD-RC, one year after launching its self-financed development.
The SIMBAD-RC is a remotely-controlled, very short range naval air defense system that provides highly efficient capabilities against a wide range of threats, from fighter aircraft to anti-ship missiles or small-sized threats such as unmanned Air vehicles.
The first prototypes are currently in the production process and initial deliveries will take place in 2015.
The system will be installed on a fleet of patrol vessels and each vessel will be equipped with two turrets.
Following this new export success, MBDA’s CEO Antoine Bouvier said: “The SIMBAD-RC program gives a clear demonstration of MBDA’s ability to help customers unlock additional capabilities from their previous acquisitions. Building upon a market standard like the Mistral missile–of which 17,000 units have already been produced–we have developed a simple, highly automated system that largely extends the operational use of the missiles that are already in service.”
SIMBAD-RC gives an easy to set up, self-defense capability to patrol vessels and support craft, or complements the air defense capabilities of other ship types. Each turret supports two ready-to-fire missiles. The turrets are remotely-operated and allow the operator to remain under cover, thereby ensuring longer operational availability in case of a combat alert.
The SIMBAD-RC uses the Mistral missile, which has already been ordered by nearly 30 countries worldwide.
MBDA is jointly held by BAE Systems with 37.5 percent, the European Aeronautic Defense and Space Co. with 37.5 percent and Finmeccanica with 25 percent.