General Dynamics’ [GD] Information Technology unit yesterday said it was awarded a five year task order with a potential value of $42.2 million to provide information technology services to the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s (FBI) Computer Analysis Response Team Storage Area Network (CARTSAN). 

The CARTSAN environment provides FBI personnel with the necessary infrastructure to acquire, process and present latent digital information contained within physical evidence in an efficient and effective, the company said in a statement.

Under the task order, General Dynamics will be responsible for maintenance and administrative operations needed to support the Computer Analysis Response Team-Forensic Analysis Unit’s Forensic Networks Program and other forensic programs.

The company will provide systems administration, computer engineering, program management, application programming and integration and system security engineering, including cyber security. 

 “General Dynamics has extensive experience providing federal agencies with IT services that guarantee secure information exchanges,” said Marcus Collier, senior vice president of the Health and Civilian Solutions division for General Dynamics Information Technology. “We look forward to continuing our relationship with the FBI to deliver cost-effective and innovative IT solutions that enable the agency to increase efficiencies and improve computer forensic processing programs nationwide.” 

This task order was awarded under the FBI Information Technology Supplies and Support Services (FBI IT Triple S) contract. FBI IT Triple S is an eight-year, $30 billion multiple-award, indefinite delivery, indefinite quantity contract awarded in October 2010 that is available to all Department of Justice agencies. General Dynamics was previously awarded three task orders under IT Triple S to deliver information assurance and security services for the FBI’s Digital Evidence Section, to operate and maintain the FBI’s Enterprise Management System (EMS) and to support virtual server platforms and thin client configurations in enterprise-wide FBI environments.