Force Protection Industries Inc. (FRPT), recently said it formed Team Timberwolf–comprised of Force Protection Survivability Solutions Canada, CAE [CAE] , Elbit Systems and Lockheed Martin [LMT] Canada–to compete for the Canadian Forces Tactical Armored Patrol Vehicle (TAPV) project.
The pre-qualified bidders list for TAPV from the solicitation of Interest and Qualification that closed June 2, 2010 includes BAE Systems, France’s Nexter, Oshkosh Corp. [OSK], Textron [TXT] and Thales.
The team was unveiled on the eve of CANSEC 2011, Canada’s foremost defense and security technology showcase. A video of Timberwolf will be at CAE’s booth during the exhibition, and Team Timerwolf is at an outdoor display.
Team Timberwolf will offer a complete vehicle system and comprehensive in-service support solution, the company said in its statement. That vehicle is based on the battle- proven Cougar vehicle with independent suspension, integrated C4ISR and dual remote weapons systems.
Randy Hutcherson, chief operating officer of Force Protection, said, “Team Timberwolf was formed to give Canadian Forces the best and most complete system offering available on the market today in terms of survivability, situational awareness, fighting capability and repairability.
Force Protection Industries Inc. previously announced that it has been selected by the Canadian Government as one of the competitor companies qualified to provide up to 600 wheeled combat vehicles and related long-term support services.
The Canadian Department of National Defence (DND) expects to award a contract to the final selected bidder by early 2012.