The Defense Department should increase industry involvement in its centralized information sharing effort known as the Joint Information Environment (JIE), including possibly hosting an industry day, the Defense Information System Agency’s (DISA) chief of staff said Friday.
“We need to have an industry day,” DISA Chief of Staff Army Brig. Gen. Frederick Henry told an audience at AFCEA Cybersecurity Symposium 2013 in Washington “We’re looking at best practices and industry brings a lot of those best practices.”
JIE is a DoD-wide information consolidation effort. DoD describes JIE as a “robust and resilient enterprise that delivers faster, better informed collaboration and decisions enabled by secure, seamless access to information regardless of computing device or location.” DoD, like other federal departments and agencies, is moving information technology (IT) services to the cloud environment to improve efficiencies and respond to budget austerity. (Defense Daily, July 12).
Henry said some important parameters for potential information solutions include better capability, reduced risk and getting the right level of performance.
“If we’re not getting the right performance for a particular capability, then why pivot to the particular solution,” Henry asked.
Henry said data storage and mobility are a few areas DISA is focusing on.