The Domestic Nuclear Detection Office has issued a pre-solicitation notice seeking replacement neutron detection modules to replace Helium-3 based neutron detectors for Radiation Portal Monitors. The pending solicitation covers development of commercially available neutron detection modules for RPMs using technologies other than Helium-3. DNDO plans to purchase neutron detection modules to test them against performance requirements and design criteria that are part of the pre-solicitation and to identify offeror’s whose modules are qualified for potential production. A pre-proposal conference will be conducted in the Washington, D.C. area in early June. The nation’s supply of He-3, which is a critical component of RPMs, is limited so DNDO is looking for alternative detection sources. Sol. No. NDRP-DNDO. Respond by July 5. Contact: Phorsha Peel, contracting officer, 202-254-7095, [email protected].