Security 1 Solutions LLC, Gaithersburg, Maryland, was awarded a firm-fixed and labor hours contract (HQ003422C0005). The amount of this action is $119,301,880. The purpose of this contract is to provide the Pentagon Force Protection Agency contracted security personnel to provide protection of its facilities, physical assets, and all other related operational activities for designated locations within the National Capital Region. This responsibility includes security of the buildings; identification passes, anti-terrorism, and force protection; chemical biological, radiological, and nuclear protection and detection, and other key functions. Work will be performed at the Pentagon and the Mark Center. Fiscal 2022 funds will be obligated in the amount of $5,039,736 at the time of award (Building Maintenance Fund, Defense in the amount of $4,427,316; and Pentagon Reservation Maintenance Revolving Fund, Defense in the amount of $612,420. Funds in the amount of $5,039,736 will be obligated at the time of the award. The expected completion date is Nov. 4, 2026. Washington Headquarters Services, Arlington, Virginia, is the contracting activity.