Patriot Contract Services LLC, Concord, California (N0003314C3210), is awarded a $37,649,881 modification (P00366) for the fixed-price portion of a previously awarded contract to fund the operation and maintenance of eight government-owned, contractor operated Watson-class large, medium-speed roll-on/roll-off ships. The ships included in this contract are USNS Watson (T-AKR 310); USNS Sisler (T-AKR 311); USNS Dahl (T-AKR 312); USNS Red Cloud (T-AKR 313); USNS Charlton (T-AKR 314); USNS Watkins (T-AKR 315); USNS Pomeroy (T-AKR 316); and USNS Soderman (T-AKR 317). This modification awards a bridge that includes a six-month period of performance. The ships will continue to support Military Sealift Command’s worldwide prepositioning requirements. Work will be performed at sea worldwide beginning Oct. 1, 2021, and is expected to be completed by March 31, 2022. Working capital funds in the amounts of $9,952,219 (Navy) and $27,697,662 (Transportation), totaling $37,649,881, are obligated for fiscal 2022, covering the six-month base period’s daily operating hire and will not expire at the end of the fiscal year. This bridge was not competitively procured and was prepared in accordance with Defense Federal Acquisition Regulations 6.302-1 and 10 U.S. Code § 2304(c)(1). The Navy’s Military Sealift Command, Norfolk, Virginia, is the contracting activity (N0003314C3210).