Cubic Defense Applications Inc., San Diego, California, has been awarded an $8,830,393 cost-plus-fixed-fee modification (P00002) to previously awarded (FA8750-23-C-1501) for Halo-Enabled Resilient Mesh software and hardware prototypes. The contract modification is to further leverage technology designed and developed under the basic effort. Additional work will be expanding on the goal of reducing size, weight, and power; increasing operational frequency ranges; and improving and developing new software capabilities, with the goal of improving the overall performance of the existing communication systems being developed under this effort. The modification brings the total cumulative face value of the contract to $17,685,710. Work will be performed at San Diego, California, and is expected to be completed by Feb. 3, 2027. Fiscal 2023 research, development, test, and evaluation funds in the amount of $8,830,393 are being obligated at time of award. The Air Force Research Laboratory, Rome, New York, is the contracting activity.