OSI Systems Awarded $20M for Spare Parts
OSI Systems [OSIS] has received a $20 million award from a customer to provide spare parts to support its Z Backscatter cargo and vehicle inspection systems. The award was made on the final day of the company’s fourth quarter. The Z Backscatter product line was part of the acquisition last year of American Science and Engineering.
DHS S&T Awards $928K to VTO for Drone Forensics R&D
VTO Inc. has received a $928,541 research and development (R&D) contract from the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) branch to target the identification and definition of the various data types residing on drones and their connected systems, including drone board systems, flight controllers, connected mobile devices and computers, onboard cameras, and network communications between a drone and its controller. The Colorado-based company will also seek to identify each drone’s data acquisition method, including logical and physical acquisition opportunities such as circuit board level interface and flash memory removal to identify data artifacts on drones. The award was made under S&T Cyber Security Division’s Cyber Forensics project, which develops cost-effective and novel cyber forensics solutions that help law enforcement keep pace with advances in technology.