The Coast Guard Command and Control Engineering Center is seeking sources that have the capability to provide system life-cycle operations and maintenance information technology (IT) support services fro the Search and Rescue Optimal Planning Systems (SAROPS) and associated Common Mapping Framework (CMF) system components. Services will include requirements management, project planning, system improvements and quality assurance verification, configuration management and logistics support. Existing SAROPS CMF is comprised of the Commercial Joint Mapping Toolkit family of GIS products. To better provide multi-mission support with improved performance and reduced computer resource footprint, the Coast Guard is investigating the possibility of modifying the CMB to include ArcExplore, Microsoft Silverlight or Adobe Flex. Sol. No. HSCG44-10-R-SAROPS. Respond by June 14. Contact: Gwendolyn Scott, contracting officer, 757-686-4273, [email protected].