The Coast Guard’s acquisition directorate on Friday released an updated version of its strategic plan aimed at sustaining progress it has made in improving its acquisition processes and outcomes and continuing a drive toward performance management.
The Strategic Plan: Blueprint for Sustained Excellence outlines three goals and accompanying objectives for each. The goals include unifying the efforts throughout the acquisition directorate to achieve mission execution, maintaining a top notch acquisition workforce, and “delivering essential capabilities within established cost, schedule and performance parameters.”
The “goals and objectives described in this Plan provide a strategic framework to enable us to build on past achievements and continue delivering capable and sustainable assets to the field,” Rear Adm. Bruce Baffer, assistant commandant for Acquisition and the Chief Acquisition Officer, says in an introduction to Version 6.0 of the plan.
The latest iteration of the strategic plan, like the first in 2006, is aligned with a 2005 framework published by the Government Accountability Office for helping create standards to assess federal acquisition functions.
The plan also includes performance targets for achieving various objectives. For example, when contract protests are successful, the plan calls for a review of the lessons learned within 30 days and than an action plan within 90 days to address “identified system deficiencies” of contract quality.
The plan says that all performance measures will be monitored and regularly reported.