DHS Issues New Notice for Desktop Support Services
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has issued a Sources Sought notice for desktop support services that replaces a previously issued Request for Information for managed desktop services. The department has a potential requirement to develop a world class desktop support services program, to include help desk, switchboard operations, end-user services, network operations and maintenance, and engineering services, that will improve information technology service and support for DHS headquarters and supported locations. Sol. No. HSHQDC-12-R-00097. Respond by Sept. 4. Contact: Michael Villano, [email protected].
TSA Issues RFI for Passenger Screening Technologies
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) Office of Security Capabilities has issued a Request for Information (RFI) for Passenger Screening Program technologies within three portfolios: People Screening; Carry-on Baggage; and Layered Security. Potential solutions may consist of equipment and hardware or software that, for example, provides the ability to integrate or improve existing equipment. TSA is also interested in information on solutions that may not fit into any of the outlined portfolios but increase the capability to defend against threats entering the sterile areas of the airports and or increase passenger comfort throughout the screening process. Sol. No. HSTS04-12-SSN-ST1045. Respond by Sept. 17. Contact: Bonny Evangelista, [email protected].
DHS S&T, DARPA Plan AvSec Technology Industry Day
The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Science and Technology (S&T) branch and the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA) plan to host an Industry Day on Sept. 17 and 18 in Arlington, Va., to discuss recent developments and plans in advanced detection technology for aviation security. The Industry Day will outline recent research results and applicability to explosives detection equipment along with the development strategy related to enhancing explosives detection in checked baggage and checkpoint screening systems. The industry day will provide project and technology overviews including mathematical foundations, algorithms, architectures, hardware as well as experimental results and future project plants related to DHS S&T and DARPA sponsored research. Sol. No. RFI-12-00105. Respond by Sept. 5. Contact: Duane Schatz, contracting officer, [email protected], 202-254-2417.
SPAWAR Surveys Market for Fast Fingerprint Capture Systems
The Space and Naval Warfare (SPAWAR) Systems Center Atlantic has issued a Request for Information to identify Fast Capture Fingerprint Systems and Enabling Technology. The survey is in support of the National Institute of Justice and National Institute of Standards and Technology, Office of Law Enforcement Standards. The primary emphasis is on 10 rolled-equivalent systems and technologies. The information will help shape an NIJ Strategic Technology Roadmap and Investment Plan for FY ’13-17. The information will also be shared with Defense Department stakeholders. The SPAWAR Systems Center Atlantic Biometrics Integrated Product Team is also interested in inviting responding organizations that submit game changing systems to provide a capability briefing and technology demonstration during the first and second quarters of FY ’13. Sol. No. N65236_SNOTE_00056CCA. Respond by Sept. 14. Contact: Paula Somers, contract specialist, [email protected].
FEMA Seeks Web-Based Campus Resilience Tool
The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has a need for a contractor to develop a web-based campus resilience tool based on an existing web-based community resilience tool. The agency, along with other entities within the Department of Homeland Security, also have a need for the contractor to execute targeted community engagement with selected university and college campuses via the Campus Resilience Pilot program, which must promote the whole community philosophy, draw upon existing DHS resources and also those originating from the Education and Justice Departments, assist American schools to proactively assess and plan for major man-made or natural incidents, and provide a framework to collect data relevant to fostering community and campus resilience. Sol. No. HSFE40-12-R-0048. Respond by Sept. 6. Contact: Tracey Harriot, contract specialist, [email protected], 202-646-1914.