ICE Issues RFI for Investigative Case Management
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued a Request for Information for a requirement for continuing the enhancement and culture of innovation developed during the deliver of the Treasury Enforcement Communication System (TECS) Modernization, where the needs of investigative personnel can be quickly realized, often within weeks. ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division is continuing its process of transforming its information technology investment approach and processes for acquiring and delivering enhanced investigative capabilities to its 9,500-person workforce. The ICE TECS Modernization system provides the core toolset used by HIS agents worldwide to develop and document their criminal investigations. Notice ID: ICEHSIICM-1082021. Respond by Nov. 29. Contact: Misty Weinhold, [email protected]
, 202-748-6082.
DHS S&T Issues RFI for Explosives and Equipment Classification
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate has issued a Request for Information on technical services to test, characterize, synthesize, analyze and collect data on homemade and improvised explosives as they relate to detection equipment. This can include synthesis of material, operating Transportation Security Equipment and also conducting large scale blast tests for equivalency calculations. Testing will be done to support the Transportation Security Administration. DHS-70RSAT22-00001. Respond by Oct. 13. Contact: Jenista Tobias, [email protected].