DHS Issue RFIs for Autonomous Vessel Tracking, Standoff CBRN, 5G/IoT Awareness
The Department of Homeland Security Science and Technology Directorate has issued several Requests for Information (RFI) through its Small Business Innovation Research program seeking solutions for autonomous vessel tracking for ports and waterways, standoff chemical, biological, radiological and nuclear (CBRN) threat detection for city-wide coverage, and a ubiquitous and robust 5G/Internet of Things (IoT) situational awareness capability that further enhances situational awareness of the current platform and identifies 5G and IoT devices. For autonomous vessel tracking (Notice ID: 70RSAT21RFI000010), S&T is seeking information on behalf of the Coast Guard to develop low-cost electro-optical/infrared sensors or other sensors mounted on buoys or navigation aids to record vessel transits into and out of ports and waterways. For CBRN efforts (Notice ID: 70RSAT21RFI000009), S&T seeks information on behalf of the Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction Office on technologies for sensing, pattern recognition, and fusion of environmental imaging for long-term data collection campaigns and large area coverage. For 5G/IoT situational awareness (Notice ID: 70RSAT21RFI000008), which is on behalf of the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency, the RFI says that without this awareness government and industry won’t be able to effectively characterize “normal/healthy” conditions versus “suspicious/unhealthy” environments, which could lead to personnel and systems being exploited with no detection of the exploit or cyber-attack and no trace of the attack vector. Responses are due by July 30. Contact: Danette Williams, [email protected]
, 202-447-5933.
Coast Guard Seeks Small Business Services for Unclassified COP
The Coast Guard is soliciting small businesses to provide development services to meet requirements of the C5I Service Center for the Unclassified Common Operational Picture (UCOP). The services include maintaining current system operations and capabilities, incorporating adaptive capabilities, developing technologies for systems integration and implementation of new track data feeds and APIs, system analysis, information assurance compliance, and recommendations and solutions for current and future architecture. The Coast Guard’s UCOP is the service’s command and control infrastructure that injects, processes, and provides near real-time maritime and air track data feeds to C2 viewers. Data feeds include the Nationwide Automatic Identification System, Satellite Automatic Identification System, and Vessel Monitoring System. Notice ID: 70Z04421R210002400. Respond by July 23. Contact: Gwendolyn Scott, [email protected], 757-686-4273.
CISA Seeks SETA Help with Communication Services
The Department of Homeland Security has issued a Request for Proposal to obtain priority services scientific, engineering and technical assistance (PS-SETA) for the Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency in the area of communications services. The assistance will assure a high probability that communications services will be available to meet the needs of authorized national security and emergency preparedness users under all levels of network congestion. Priority services consist of legacy government emergency telecommunications service, special routing arrangement service, wireless priority service and next generation network priority service. Notice ID: 70RCSA21R00000003. Respond by July 25. Contact: Karen Ma, [email protected].
CISA to Host Vulnerability Management Blue Teaming Industry Day
The Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency Cybersecurity Division on July 20 will host a Vulnerability Management Assessments Branch Operational Resilience Section Industry Day to provide information on the upcoming Blue Team Contract (BTC). The BTC seeks to partner with industry to conduct cybersecurity assessments on information technology and operational technology infrastructure. The Assessments Branch Operational Resilience Section provides cybersecurity assessment services to federal departments and agencies, state, local, tribal and territorial governments and private sector entities for IT and OT systems and networks. CISA expects 200 to 300 assessment engagements per year, which consist of interview sessions and customer data analyses via penetration testing or data capture and network flow analysis. Respond by July 18. Register at: https:/cvent.me/xk9GdR.
TSA to Host Third Industry Day for EDS Competitive Procurement
The Transportation Security Administration on August 2 plans to host its third virtual industry day for the Electronic Baggage Screening Program Explosive Detection System (EDS) Competitive Procurement 2 Qualification Procut List for Functional Categories Type 1 and II. Notice ID: 7-T04019R9CAP1086. Contact: [email protected].