USCIS To Host IT Industry Day
U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services will host its 2019 Office of Information Technology Industry day on June 12 in Washington, D.C. The purpose of the event is for industry to gain a greater understanding of OIT’s needs and USCIS OIT increases its awareness of industry capabilities. The event will include overviews of OIT’s divisions and brief summaries of 17 upcoming procurements, including Architectural Engineering Support, Biometrics DevSecOps, Records DevSecOps and Cyber Security Defense Services. Respond by June 6. Contact: Dana Moore, chief, Acquisition Coordination Branch, [email protected]
ICE Solicits for Electronic Means to Track Compliance with Alien Release Conditions
Immigration and Customs Enforcement has issued a Request for Proposals (RFP) under the Intensive Supervision Appearance Program (ISAP) IV, which uses technology and case management to ensure compliance with release conditions, court appearances and final orders of removal while allowing aliens to remain in their community. The means of monitoring can include in-person reporting, biometrics, GPS ankle bracelets and telephonic voice recognition. Adults 18 years of age or older may be eligible for placement into the Alternative to Detention program if they are not subject to mandatory detention and are currently in some stage of removal proceedings. Sol. No. 70CDCR19R00000002. Respond by June 1. Contact: ICE OAQ DCR, [email protected]
CBP Seeks “Click on Target” to Use with Mobile Surveillance Capability Units
The Federal Aviation Administration, on behalf of Customs and Border Protection, is conducting a market survey to identify additional sources capable of providing “Cursor on Target” network communications capabilities to allow interoperability between Mobile Surveillance Capability (MSC) vehicles. The MSC program is under strict configuration control and Syzygy Integration is the only approved source of providing the items. Sol. No. 33528. Respond by May 23. Contact: John Hawk, [email protected], 405-954-8321.
Coast Guard Issues RFI for Special Purpose Craft-Shallow Water II
The Coast Guard has issued a Request for Information ahead of its Special Purpose Craft-Shallow Water II (SCP-SW II) acquisition. The SPC-SW II is intended to replace a current fleet of SCP-SWs and will be used by Coast Guard stations to conduct missions in back bay, intercoastal and other areas where shallow water prevents operations from deeper draft boats. The primary missions are search and rescue, law enforcement, and ports, waterway and coastal security. Sol. No. RFI-USCG-SPCWII-2019-1. Contact: Jennifer Sokolower, contracting officer, [email protected], 202-475-3221.