TSA to Establish New Products List for EDS Systems
The Transportation Security Administration (TSA) plans to establish a new Qualified Products List (QPL) for explosives detection systems (EDS) for at least two functional categories of systems: In-line EDS configuration; and stand-alone and mini-inline EDS configuration. Within each functional category, TSA will also have tracks for when it makes significant changes to EDS requirements or the technology changes significantly. TSA says there are about 1,650 EDS machines deployed at about 440 U.S. airports and government facilities. Sol. No. 70T04019R9CAP1086. Respond by Oct. 2. Contact: Melyssa Bertucci, contracting officer, [email protected]
Army Seeks Sources for Jordanian Border Security System Upgrades
The U.S. Army has issued a Sources Sought notice to identify potential sources to deliver equipment, and perform design, integration, installation, testing, documentation and training of Border Security System upgrades to Jordan. The Jordan Border Security System provides electronic surveillance and quick reaction interdiction capability along Jordan’s borders. As early as 2009, Jordan began acquiring technology to protect its northern border. Phase 1 has been operational since 2014. Obsolescence and technology advancement require a technology refreshment to the system for three major system elements, surveillance towers, command centers, and the communications network. There are 26 fixed surveillance towers and four mobile/transportable towers. New ground radar, electro-optic/infrared sensors, long-range and other cameras are among the sensor upgrades. Existing sensor providers include Thales, Leonardo DRS, FLIR Systems, and CohuHD. Sol. No. BorderSecurityUpgrades-W91CRB. Respond by May 3. Contact: Kristin Dacey, purchasing agent [email protected].
TSA Issues Request for Capability for PreCheck Expansion, Non-Biometric Vetting Solution
The Transportation Security Administration has issued a Request for Capability seeking white papers that describe a company’s capability to vet PreCheck trusted traveler applicants by means other than biometrics. The vetting risk assessment must be as effective as a fingerprint-based criminal history records check conducted through the FBI. The goal is to increase enrollments into PreCheck by expanding vetting capabilities. The effort is being undertaken in response to the passage in 2018 of the TSA Modernization Act, which requires the agency to increase the methods and capabilities available for the public to enroll in PreCheck. Sol. No. 70T02019T9OIA078. Respond by May 29. Contact: Gloria Uria, contracting officer, [email protected].
CBP Issues RFP for Tethered Aerostat Radar System
Customs and Border Protection has issued a Request for Proposal (RFP) for the sustainment of Tethered Aerostat Radar System (TARS) operations while increasing efficiency and effectiveness and reduce cost by emplacing, consolidating and streamlining contractor provided field operations, logistics and maintenance activities for TARS sites and systems. CBP operates eight TARS sites and related radar in Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Florida and Puerto Rico. TARS are used to monitor the border for low-flying aircraft and small vessels approaching the border. Sol. No. 70B02C19R00000010. Respond by May 31. Kimberly Ware, contract specialist, [email protected].