TSA Issues RFI for Human Capital Assessment Platform
The Transportation Security Administration has issued a Request for Information (RFI) as part of market research for the continuance of, or replacement for, its Human Capital TSA Assessment Platform. The market survey will support the development and execution of a viable human capital support services and systems acquisition strategy. Sol. No. 79T01019D9EHRM001. Respond by Oct. 11. Contact: Amy Dallaire, [email protected].
FAA Surveys Market for Relocatable Towers
The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), on behalf of Customs and Border Protection, is conducting a market survey for 80, 110, and 120-foot relocatable towers that could be supplied by vendors that are willing to be qualified for a Qualified Vendor List. The towers would be part of the Remote Video Surveillance System-Upgrade (RVSS-U). The RT will accommodate two standard RVSS-U sensor suites and supporting equipment. Each sensor suite is about 200-pounds and consists of one electro-optical camera and one infrared camera. Sol. No. 31494. Respond by Oct. 5. Contact: Chris Ekadis, [email protected], 405-954-8071.